Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thing # 30 I'm in ur library


Not really a cat but couldn't resist this gorgeous photo from Flickr's Lolcats.

I agree some Lolcats are quite funny, but on the whole really can't see a lot of use for them in the library. Also I find the 'baby' language quite irritating in many cases. Maybe I just had too much grounding in 'good' grammar!

My lolcat below

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thing #29 Scrapblog

Having tried at least 8 times to publish a page, and once found that even the copy I had saved had lost a lot of it's background detail so had to redo the whole thing, no I do not love this site!
After about 3 hours waiting endlessly for things to happen and still not having managed to publish anything I am giving up!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing #28 Well we're big rock singers

originally uploaded by robynsmith23.
Very impressed with this cover - we thought the building was fairly impressive too!